When you are not feeling secure anymore with your best friends

Putri Nuzulil
2 min readApr 14, 2022
Photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash

I used to tell everything with my best friends, yeah not just one person, but there are some others. I communicate (almost) all my personal stories to them, even my vulnerability moments, my weaknesses, my flaws, my imperfections, just anything.

Of course, I put a limit not to share this recklessly to anyone, again to whom I supposed to call them my best friends.

But yet, the relieved and comfortable feeling that I used to feel as if I know that someone has known me better than anyone else starts turning to something different, I feel ‘unsecured’ with them.

Whenever I do something, for instance post something on social media, I feel the strange feeling that they will perceive me differently as they know me in the background.

I felt more insecure.

Some of them that pretty much ‘know’ me are a couple. I frequently make assumptions in my mind that they will make me as their topic in their daily chats. I often imagine them acting like a spy, who looks at me from afar, inspecting me to then put that into their conversation about either my progress, or my behavior that is getting worse.

Ever since that realization, I really cut down the intensity to share everything with them and everyone. I filter deliberately what I am saying to people now. I don’t let myself be like an open book. I keep major parts private, and dig deeper on my own whenever I get trouble on something. I started to rely on myself more than I’ve ever imagined.

I know that this is one to many forms of trust issues that I have suffered for years. I know that I need to fix this up. But I could not let people destroy me more.

From now on, I will put God first whenever I feel uneasy about something. I know God will direct me to enlightenment eventually. Either the answers just come all of a sudden or He will guide my heart and mind to seek the answers from external sources, maybe from people and my surroundings. But I reduce any chances to straight ask suggestions from people. I will invoke in prayer to God first. Because that’s how humans are actually encouraged to do.



Putri Nuzulil

Someone with inferiority traits who is trying to show herself to the world through her writings